Yno mae'r apostolion mawr

(Dat. xxi. 1,16,19,20,22,23,&c. - Rhan IV)
Yno mae'r apostolion mawr,
A'u gwisgoedd llaes
    hyd at y llawr;
  Yn canu'n beraidd i Fab Mair,
  Am dyrfa gredodd yn ei gair.

Myrddiynau o ferthyron hy',
A wnaw'd trwy dân yn ulw du;
  Ysgubion byd ddioddefodd bo'n,
  Tros air Dww ag efengyl Ion.

Rhai nis derbyniodd ddelw a nôd,
Nag enw'r bwytstfil mawr erioed;
  Ond rhoddi eu bywydau i lawr,
  Yn lle addoli'r buttain fawr.

Mae wedi landio yno nawr,
Rai fu o flaen brenhinoedd mawr;
  Heb ofni'r cleddau llŷm na'r tân,
  Yn pledio tros 'r efengil lân.

Babanod bychain yno sy',
Fu feirw'n ddistaw yn y bru;
  A rhai ddifethodd cleddau glâs,
  Yn newydd dd'od o'r groth i maes.

O flaen y faingc mae tyrfa faith,
O bob rhyw bobloedd, llwyth a iaith;
  Yn awr yn cael heb boen na briw
  Wyneb yn wyneb weled Duw.
William Williams 1717-91
Aleluia 1749

Tôn [MH 8888]: Derby (<1811)

  Rhan I - Cod f'enaid gwan yn fuan gwel
  Rhan II - Yno y mae fy Mrenhin mawr
  Rhan III - O flaen y fainc mil miloedd mae
  Rhan V - Wel dyma hwy'r gadwedig hil

(Rev. 21:1,16,19,20,22,23,&c. - Part 4)
There are the great apostles,
With their soft garments
    down to the ground;
  Singing sweetly to the Son of Mary,
  About a throng who believed in his word.

Myriads of bold martyrs,
Who were made through fire in to black ash;
  Sweepings of the world who suffered pain,
  For the word of God and the Lord's gospel.

Those who did not accept the image and mark,
Nor the name of the great beast ever;
  But laid down their lives,
  Instead of worshipping the great harlot.

Having landed there now, are
Those who were before great kings;
  Without fearing the sharp sword or the fire.
  Pleading for the holy gospel.

Little babies are there,
Who died quietly in the uterus;
  And those the keen swords destroyed,
  Newly come out from the womb.

Before the throne is a vast throng,
Of every kind of people, tribe and language;
  Now getting, without pain or wound,
  Face to face to see God.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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